Australian navy ship rescued 160 asylum seekers

Australian rescue operation   The Australian rescue ships and navy vessel rescued boat with about 160 immigrants, which sent distress signal and cater capesized on 63 miles off Java island. The Australian navy ships made the salvage operations to save the people, who were classified as asylum seekers from the Indonesian authorities. Australian rescue center informed the Indonesia’s National Search and Rescue Agency about the boat, which was north of Java island. The island is some kind of borders between the both rescue centers, and the management of the operations depends of the distress position of the vessel. However the Australian rescue boats started the operation and saves lives of more than 160 people. According to the press and official authorities on board of the boat were between 130 and 180 passengers, who were illegal immigrants headed to Australia. It is unknown, what is the number of the died people, but the Australians classified the salvage and rescue operation as successful.

   The accident happens a fews days after both countries signed contract for cooperation for preventing illegal immigration. The newspapers and news agencies reported that Indonesian government is not willing to make rescue and salvage operations of asylum seekers and several boats with illegal immigrants sank near its shores.